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my name is Sven and I am a writer! I have only recently started my writing journey with the first novel I have ever written, Jack Summers and the Nightmareking. Like many others, I always had the dream of one day writing a book; after this or that had been done or achieved, once I find the time, or when the right opportunity arises. In truth, I had been afraid to mess it up. I was scared of not being able to tell the stories I wanted to tell well enough, frightened of plot holes, terrified of the idea, that people wouldn’t like my writing, think I wasn’t original or funny enough.

But in 2021 I finally mustered the courage to brave my fears and start writing in spite of them. It was very rough and many times life and I myself still got in the way, but I managed to plot a series of YA fantasy books that I would have been thrilled to get my hands on when I was a teenager. The story of Jack Summers has been growing inside of me and gathering momentum for over 10 years now, and I am excited to have the strength to share it. The first entry in this series has been ‘finished’ (if such a thing even exists in a writer’s mind) and is now fighting in the query trenches for representation. I will do another big revision on it, applying the experience and skills I managed to gather during the writing process of my second book, before sending it out into battle with the slush piles of many literary agents once more.

So, if you are a literary agent reading this, I dare you to take the plunge with me, so we can face this scary industry together, for the trenches are dark and full of terrors…

If you are a fellow writer, reader, and book lover, welcome to my site, where I share my work and writing journey!


For those of you who don’t know, NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. It is a creative writing challenge to draft an entire novel in just one month. The goal is to write at least 50.000 words from the 1st to the 30th of November.

To be honest, after I decided my first book was ready to query, I fell into a bit of a hole. I had been away from the more creative process of writing and stuck in the craftier aspect of revising, editing, and rewriting, and I had started to get a little fed up with it all. For that reason, I decided to take on the big challenge of doing it all again, starting fresh with a blank page. And let me tell you, it is very exciting! I felt my love for writing rekindled and the creative fire fanned by the whirlwind that NaNo is. But I wanted to do everything differently. I am quite an anxious person by nature, which makes me a very thorough plotter as opposed to the more free-spirited pantser.

But this time I went on a whim; an idea that had come to me in an afternoon nap dream should turn out to be the full extent of my second book. I left the familiar field of fantasy behind and ventured into the scary unknown of thrillers, detective stories and dark comedy. On top of all that, I had decided to go with a complex duo POV story that interweaves throughout the plot lines and is accentuated by what I lovingly call my little ‘murder intermissions’, giving my antagonists plausibility and humanity.

So far, I am very much enjoying my excursion out of my comfort zone, and I hope you will as well once it is finished and finds representation and publication. Further updates on that are to come here!

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