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The Realm of Dreams

The realm of dreams is a magical world filled with everyone’s dreams and wishes. A place, where everything is possible, and imagination is the limit. Jack, Theo, and Emma embark on an adventure filled with epic knightly battles, magic, and beautiful wonders. But not all is well, and danger is always just around the corner, for inside the realm of dreams also lives the evil Nightmareking, and he has his eyes on our heroes.

Moodpitch 2023

Even though I didn’t manage to get any industry likes on my posts for #MoodPitch2023 , I still massively enjoyed making these moodboards for the event!

My biggest inspiration for this book was a burning desire to have a fantasy novel that felt like one of my favourite video games (RPGs by Square Enix like Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts). A fast-paced, intuitive magic system, epic, magical worlds, and a hero called to arms by destiny to fight evil alongside a charismatic band of mates with love and friendship at their core.

Cheeky misfit Jack thought running into gossip-hungry glittering dragonflies and Velcro-wearing gorillas on his quest to make friends in his new home was hard, but it was nothing compared to grandma gone rogue and nightmares come to life in an epic war between good and evil inside the realm of dreams.


Moodboards centred around lunar phases, reflecting the atmosphere of the first entry in the Jack Summers Series for multiple senses. Imagine the smells and suggested soundtrack to go alongside the imagery to immerse yourself fully into the realm of dreams.

Solar Eclipse

Jack Sumers and the Nightmareking

A coming-of-age story about the titular character Jack, filled with the pains and joys of young love, new friendships and trying to find his place in a world full of wonders, nightmares, and knightly quests.

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